
Acupuncture is part of the system of Chinese Medicine. It involves the insertion of hair-thin sterile needles into specific areas on the body, known as acupoints, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect. These points are located along Qi (energy) meridians that connect to specific body parts or organs, and each point carries a unique function. Acupuncture is an all-natural, safe, effective, an... Read More

Acupuncture is part of the system of Chinese Medicine. It involves the insertion of hair-thin sterile needles into specific areas on the body, known as acupoints, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect. These points are located along Qi (energy) meridians that connect to specific body parts or organs, and each point carries a unique function. Acupuncture is an all-natural, safe, effective, and painless healing modality. Our Doctors of Chinese Medicine are highly trained to ensure that you have a pleasant, comforting, and relaxed healing session.

Holistic Facial Rejuvenation

The face holds a lot of secrets to our health, with our outward appearance acting as a reflection of our inner world. Trauma, illness, emotions, and stress can appear on the face in different ways. Facial rejuvenation takes a holistic approach to treating the skin by addressing the root cause, harmonizing the internal systems, and releasing the trauma imprint in the fascia of the face. It rewir... Read More

The face holds a lot of secrets to our health, with our outward appearance acting as a reflection of our inner world. Trauma, illness, emotions, and stress can appear on the face in different ways. Facial rejuvenation takes a holistic approach to treating the skin by addressing the root cause, harmonizing the internal systems, and releasing the trauma imprint in the fascia of the face. It rewires and retrains the face to bring out a brighter, healthier, and more vibrant you.
Holistic Facial Rejuvenation services include: Cosmetic Acupuncture, Holistic Microneedling, and Holistic Nanoneedling

Additional Chinese Medicine Therapies

Sometimes we require more than acupuncture on our healing journey! Our Doctor of Chinese Medicine also provide Cupping and Gua Sha services.

Alternative Indigenous Medicine

Dr. Tasha has been studying with Indigenous elders, curanderas, plant teachers from First Nations, Matses, Huni Kuin, Quechua, Shipibo, Ashaninka, Yawanawa, Toltecca, and the Mayan people. She gained knowledge, practice and blessings through her own lineage of the Mai-I, continuing a legacy as a 4th generation medicine woman. She has spent the last 15 years diving into her own healing journey a... Read More

Dr. Tasha has been studying with Indigenous elders, curanderas, plant teachers from First Nations, Matses, Huni Kuin, Quechua, Shipibo, Ashaninka, Yawanawa, Toltecca, and the Mayan people. She gained knowledge, practice and blessings through her own lineage of the Mai-I, continuing a legacy as a 4th generation medicine woman. She has spent the last 15 years diving into her own healing journey and discovered sometimes you have to go beyond the physical body to heal the spirit by partnering with plant and animal medicines. Dr. Tasha offers microdosing protocols with medicine and integration services, she facilitates Kambo ceremony at her home while utilizing acupuncture as an integration tool, and she also holds heart centered cacao ceremonies for groups and couples to reconnect to themselves and each other all the while by creating a safe space to express the letting go of what no longer serves.

Dr. Tasha has a passion for working with families and has had advanced training in pediatric acupuncture, women’s health, men’s health, and chronic conditions. Dr. Tasha did her doctoral research project on scalp acupuncture for neurological disorders, post stroke, behavioral disorders, and depression.

She loves helping people with migraines as she was an avid migraine sufferer for 15 years and found her way out through acupuncture, herbal medicine, lifestyle changes and inner child work.

Further, she has advanced training in Facial Acupuncture, Micro and Nanoneedling, Japanese Acupuncture, Prenatal and Post natal support, Digestive Health issues, Orthopedic Pain Management, Eastern and Western Herbology and Nutrition.

Dr. Tasha holds deep reference for indigenous medicine and various cultures, incorporating shamanic practices of plant medicine and energy medicine from her roots of the Mai I and Hebrew people, as well as the Maya and various tribes throughout the Amazon Basin and First Nation cultures in North America. She trained as a Kambo Facilitator in Mexico by a Matses trained Curandera.

Dr. Tasha is licensed and Board certified in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine in the state of California and Nationally certified as a Diplomat in Acupuncture.

Dr. Tasha has a passion for working with families and has had advanced training in pediatric acup... Read More

Dr. McKenzie offers acupuncture sessions that delve deep into the roots of health issues, aiming to bring harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. With a focus on women’s health, pediatric care, and custom herbal tea formulations. Dr. McKenzie provides a safe and spacious space for patients to explore their well-being. You will be in good hands!

Dr. McKenzie offers acupuncture sessions that delve deep into the roots of health issues, aiming ... Read More

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Located at: 3333 Camino Del Rio South, Ste. 320, San Diego
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